When I first hazarded the connection between James Holmes and John Holmes, I was half-joking myself, hooking for a comedic angle. Now, there is little (if any) doubt in my mind that this “sink” wrecks both theatrically staged houses of cards.
The Living Tiki returned once again, to discuss the above matters and other far more interesting curves and lures demanding our [at] attention:
The below montage of images, could easily be played off with clever/punic wordplay about rising to the occasion, but looking at them now, what I find somewhat incredible is that Obama’s partner/adviser was a ballerina (Rahm Israel Emanuel), and so was the most present of the Batmen/Cockswains (Christian Bale).
They are all bottoms, even those who “act/play” the role of the top. For those interested, here are the two referenced videos featuring these lying actors: Obama Showing Off his Qualification, and Alex Jones Digging for a Truffle.
The career arc of Jenny Agutter, now standing quite proud/erect, is likely properly summarized above, and I assumed that Walkabout was the bottom/top arc or her rising/falling star. But, I was unaware of the below factoid before the show:
Mr Skin’s New Blu-Ray Nudes Corner: “Jenny Agutter Winks Her Brown Eye in Walkabout: There is no more deep, dark, and mysterious place than the anus. The brown eye shot is one of the rarest in cinema for a reason–to reveal that hidden spot, the lighting must be bright and direct, and the ass cheeks must be spread.”
“However, thanks to the wonder of Blu-Ray, even a shadowy hollow can now be defined as 100% brown eye action. Case in point, the asstastic Jenny Agutter in Walkabout (1971). What we previously though was just crack can now be revealed as the rear port!”
The human race is advancing, the wonder of technology has allowed previously undiscovered stars to now be clearly seen. :roll: Apparently, Jenny recently had an 88 page novel devoted to her. Looking at the pics below, I now wonder if I seriously overguessed the age she hit said career focus-point. There’s a good reason I didn’t link said article, I’ll leave the exploration of that rabbit hole to the gutter-minded.
I kind of screwed up the show for Tiki by adding some new related material to the front of the show outline, instead of the back, hence considered yourself formally teased on the Big Breasted Jewess topic. That is to come, or not, next week.
Note: I recently updated a discussed post, Visualymbic Castration Follies with new images and thoughts, be sure to check it out.
Filed under: [NSFW], [Pending] Tagged: anal sex, australia, batman, breasts, emasculation, embedded cinema, history, humanity, james holmes, jenny agutter, john holmes, logan's run, manhood, mars, mAss media, music, nudity, pederasty, penis, psychological warfare, pussy riot, shit, slavery, social engineering, synchromysticism, val kilmer, walkabout