“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.” These revelant words are credited to one Francis Bacon, a man who was a power-broker of his day, and not so coincidentally, preferred the company of effeminate young boys.
As I’ve said before, many a fool among us, tends to recite variants of the above passage to their favor, suggesting that we are but philosophical actors. What most such dimwits fail to realize is that we are nothing more than the audience.
Ed Chiarini, who maintains a web presence as Dallas Goldbug was my guest this past Sunday to discuss his research in identifying just who some of these “actors” are, and what roles they play. As usual, the show is playable above [unavailable].
Tony Greenberg is but one of many faces that Ed has identified as a regular presence in the shit-hole we know of as The News Media. Ed’s research on Tony and many other players, large and small, can be found at his site and his channel.
While the former of the above two images may serve for some comic relief, we would do well to remember that said effeminate actor/player, not so coincidentally nicknamed “turd blossom,” quite openly admitted that he and his [butt] buddies “create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities … we’re history’s actors.” adding for the audience, “and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Where Ed and my work intersect, via quite different routes and methodologies, identifying the trademark symbols (or distinguishing characteristics) that certain personages are actors, and that certain events are but scripted fiction. As long as we remain ignorant of the obvious, why wouldn’t they keep repeating ad nauseam?
Silly rabbits, have you still not figured out why [turning] “tricks” are “for kids?”
The above image is one facade of the actors, which in my opinion is not disputable. I’d like to thank Vicky for the collage of images, which per Ed’s work, pretty much proves that poor little Christina Taylor Green, the uncannily born [09/11/2001] victim of the Staged Gifford’s Shooting Play in Arizona, is still very much alive.
A fist inside an eye? Ugh! :roll: Hope you don’t overdose, but there were a couple more radio appearances of the Celtic Rebel this past week. They were:
- Monday: Count Floyd Fright-Fest with Doug Owen and Fat Drunk Coward
- Wednesday: Commercial-Free Live Free or Die with Lee Rogers
The latter was a follow-up to the somewhat “epic” grilling of second-tier actors in the truth movement. The former was more about having fun, which is arguably quite necessary in the middle of all this madness some of us are finally beginning to see. I’m feeling that’s vital.
Filed under: [Pending] Tagged: alex jones, anal sex, arizona, bill cooper, conmen, disinformation, fake news, government, history, hollywood, jordan maxwell, judaism, karl rove, mAss media, mind control, nazis, new world order, newspapers, propaganda, rothschilds, south park, truth movement, vampires, wikipedia, william shakespeare