Compared to last week fiery diatribe, this week’s show was somewhat subdued. However, I’ve changed the original title [subdude] to one that seems more fitting. The moral of the week for myself was, never drink whiskey on a full moon.
The above is one of the many fine fashionable [root of word being fasci] shirts available for young women under the fine “Roxy” brand, which as I pointed out, not so coincidentally, helps promote the latest pharmaceutical mind-destroying cocktail [oxycodone] being, if you prefer, “marketed” to or more accurately, “triggered” in the mass collective of sleeping children [the hypnopaedia].
Hence, a fair part of the show was devoted to the epidemic of pain-killers and other fashionable mind-numbing cocktails being heavily cross-promoted to our youth today [unavailable]. While in the near future, it may prove daunting to find a woman over 25 who’s anus hasn’t been rendered utterly useless [previously addressed], for now, it is already a challenge finding one that isn’t a pill-head.
Aside from a perverse amount of ass references, degenerative social engineering, and the otherwise inexplicable featuring of one temple doggie named Russell Brand [noted previously], what do the above films all have in common? They are aimed at children. For those who are starting to grasp how NLP works, feel free to substitute the world “children” with the more appropriate phrase, “future degenerates.”
For those who’s eyes are still sealed wide shut, yes it is supposed to appear that the tree branch is going up the male blue-bird’s ass. I hadn’t realized the two latter films were also released at the same time of the year, not having seen the above posters until after the show. If you recall the shitting and eating of beans out of the rabbit’s ass, it should be obvious the chocolate bunnies represent turds, and if you saw “Despicable,” you’ll know the answer to the question “What’s the best gift a studio mogul could get?” A basket of little boy penises, what else could be better?
One of the main reasons I am so fed up with this alternative media [aka the truth movement] and have thus filed for divorce from it, is because it is composed of far too many people talking about “common sense” and “critical thinking,” but hardly any whom actually either have common sense or think critically.
As discussed, the mythos of Lord Rothschild’s “lighting-fast” schooners, may have been, full of shit [noted long ago]. Hence, it seems all too appropriate then, that the youngest notable Rothschild, David, is allegedly sailing across the Western Ocean in a boat made of [the Earth’s] shit. Do note the poster for the sanctioned Rothschild fable, features support for the Thor’s Children idea I’ve spoken of.
One thing for sure, is that as time moves forward from here on, things are gonna weirder; a heck of a lot weirder than groups of women running around dressed as penises. Though, perhaps that really depends on our perspective? Honestly, if we stop and look around us today, can we say that trends, idioms, fashions, despoilations, and mutilations of the recent past, aren’t already beyond weird?
We can go from the gross thoughtlessness of uttering a word like uncircumcised [last week’s topic], to unfat, unbald, unmolested, unmutilated, to eventually, one that may make some sense in the future world, which is the now, unstupid.
Is there hope? As the story I closed the show off with highlighted, perhaps, but only if our women stop being end-products of the social engineering, stop being cruel whores, and start being whole again [instead of just holes]. Us remaining “men,” wherever the vagina goes, we will follow.
A Few Other Arbitrary Celtic Rebel Posts on Related or Similar Subject Matter
Aug 2009: Social Engineering 101 | Feb 2011: Neuro Linguistic Programming |
Oct 2010: Back on the Right Track [2] | Mar 2010: My Dinner with Andros [4] |
Note: Prior to Sunday’s show, I was a guest on Question 46 with John Preston to discuss Neuro Linguisitc Programming. I feel it went well and would make for good intro to any you may know, that you want to introduce to the topic or this rebel, sans fear of their reaction should they tune in and hear their mothers referred to as prostitutes. :lol: Here’s said show: [unavailable].
Filed under: [Pending] Tagged: alternative media, anal sex, brazil, common sense, corruption, critical thinking, diet, gay agenda, humanity, medical mafia, mind control, neuro-linguistic programming, new world order, occult issues, phalli, pharmaceuticals, psychological warfare, rothschilds, sex, social engineering, tattoos, truth movement, vagina, vegetarians, whorification, winnie the pooh