Another smashing [IMO] show tonight, dealing with a good wide array of subject matter. The title will make little sense, until the last half hour of the show.
Just in time for the Holy Days, this Rebel took it upon himself to release a long overdue rant on our ignorance [unavailable], that which assures our participation in these self-debasing and soul-entrapping rituals of the season:
Neglected mention [during the show] is a particularly cruel ritual that we idiots put our children through: the annual photo sessions on Satan’s lap. One thing almost guaranteed, is the cries and screams of protest by younger children, those who’ve not yet had their instincts beaten/dulled out of them. If only we would listen!
The only thing completely guaranteed, is that their parental units, will, over the child’s objections, pressure the children to undergo the ritual regardless, all for appearance’s sake. After all, it’s “tradition.” As I keep saying, Lords of Order need not pay for-hire slaves to push their indoctrination programs. Why waste their money when legions of unpaid moron volunteers will do it for free?
Undoubtedly, and as predicted, many will be made angry by the revelations that came out during the show. Just please try and remember, I am not the one who programmed you to overlook the obvious. The truth? Don’t harm the messenger.
The joke, by and large, is played on those who would call themselves Christians. Not only will it become blatantly obvious after even a minimal amount of research into their faith that the Holy Day was never in any way “Christian,” but according to The Good Book, following the Satan/Pedo ritual, is also expressly verboten:
“But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate..” (Revelation 2:6, NKJV)
In all honestly, I think the wretched cross joke came before the satan/santa twist. But, as hit on during the show, it’s too late to save anyone who is already “saved:”
Kind of interesting pattern there [above]. Some of you may recognize the lovely lady in the center. Yes, it’s Lucy Fur. Anyway, there’s probably something to these patters of crosses, which as my prior work [one early sample] has shown, are simple variants of this multi-tiered PRIZON cube, the one we are required to merit our stay, and return to, through a combination of indifference, hypocrisy, and ignorance. Hence, the reason for the importance of our participation in the rituals.
Don’t forget your Christmas Ham this year, HUMAN! No please ignore the similarity of your fate to that of your predecessors. It’s only coincidence. Really! As is this new iPhone application [thank you MBHolloran for the submission, which I must admit, floored me]. Yes, please disregard everything the Celtic Rebel’s said about a spirit grid around ZION/HELL. He really has no idea what he was talking about.
It’s all coincidence, as it was that John Wayne’s costar looked remarkably like a little boy in the original True Grit [which, interestingly enough, came out in 1969, a significant year in launching many concurrent human degeneration programs]. What would a one-eyed man want with a little boy anyway? :roll:
Thanks to Ryan’s call, I was reminded the women with little boy haircuts theme has been going on right under our noses for years and years [see below]. Yes, everybody has an asshole [for the curious, pontificated upon previously]. But, per these fuckers [the Priest of Holes and Wood], some assholes are better than others.
After the show, me and the chatters figured out that not only was Repo Man (1984) doing a bit of intentional revelation when they told us John Wayne was gay, but like many who for “some unknown reason” always hide their ethnicity, well, a side profile can’t hide the fact the Wayne is likely also Jewish may now be evident well. A gay boy-loving Jew in Hollywood? No way! Say it isn’t so Joe John!
The above right image is Eastwood’s partner in The Enforcer. Yes, fresh meat from the academy and filmed in San Francisco, of all places. Oh, and I just learned that, in said movie, the prior partner of the bearishly named “Dirty Hairy” had died from “a knife wound to the back.” It’s just coincidence, dammit!
So, was Clint, new Wood that came form the East, or was his wood pointing East to all new-comers? One observant chatter pointed out how John may know the “way in,” as surely as does one boy-loving Bruce, who likes to masquearade as a Cock Man, aka “a top” … in some circles, sometimes also referred to as a “Bat” Man.
In case any stupid people truthers listening still haven’t figured out how to properly clean their own bum yet, well, the answers my friend, aren’t “blowing in the wind, they’re readily available. Speaking of wallowing in our own muck/mire, or in other words, shit/feces, are there that many of you still so confident that we the NU HAM, are somehow any smarter or deserve a better fate than the one mammal closest to our physiology than any other?
If you haven’t read my treatise on this yet, and are wondering what the future holds, doing so might give you some idea. Pigs, for the record, are by their nature, very clean animals. However, forced unnatural confinement, combined with the insanity that follows have, led them to accept living in their own filth. Thus, why do you think our idiot children are now being programmed to wallow in their own shit?
And voilà, it comes down to that. So simple. The solution to any problem is to cover it up, mask it … basically, do anything but acknowledge it. Just like this “truth movement” was designed to get us to look outwards so far away from ourselves (where the truth lies), so that we can’t smell our own shit when we’re so busy running around pointing out the mess others are making.
Interestingly enough, the “ee” sound in sheets, as I’ve pointed out before, is not native to speakers of some other languages, hence such persons will inevitably say “shits” while trying to pronounce the former word. Not sure if it means anything, but it’s an interesting little factoid nonetheless; one to take under consideration.
I am forced to recall the young lady, who out of the blue randomly said “the vagina is life, the anus is death.” And you have to laugh at how many of us are so quick to point out how “the zombies” are those among us who believe is outdated ideas different from our own; and it’s very easy to do if we refuse to step inside [here’s a link to the article which depicts the sign that was once above my door]. Hm, that was written a couple of x-box-masses ago. Perhaps, the key opens the door to hell?
For the record, the above is South Park taking a piss on the idiots that watch the show. How many viewing know the reason, or the ambiguous “truth” behind that statement? It’s called pissing on the peons, who should be pissed off, but are too ignorant to know they just got pissed on. Hence they will continue to do what they want, opening doors, and laugh while they openly admit to the shit. After all, only the truely insane might even have a slight clue as to what’s going on.
“We are the dead.” Hm, perhaps the reason the media is spending so much time trying to eroticise our feces, is so that when we’re wallowing in it, we don’t even notice that we are in fact, the new ham. It’s amazing what a proper shade of dark sheets can cover up…
A Few Other Arbitrary Celtic Rebel Posts on Related or Similar Subject Matter
Dec 2010: Four Hours of Rebellion | Dec 2010: More Rebel More Music |
Dec 2010: Use Darker Sheets | Dec 2010: A Year of Parallel Alex’s |
Note A: Keep an eye on the bloglist to the right, I am getting about adding some pics and thought to prior shows, i.e., getting caught up. So, look for the magic word “updated” next to the article list (notably the first two of these four-shows above).
Note B: One observant James recently informed yours truly that in Halo, the ever-popular X-box™ game aimed at today’s young men, you advance ranks as you complete missions. When you complete the ASSASSINATION mission, you are awarded the rank of REAR ADMIRAL. Natürlich!
Note C: As to any Christians reading this, please do not consider this an attack on your faith. I have great respect for the teachings of the wise one. If you care to know my interpretation of the events surrounding his life, this may be worth a view/listen.
Note D: Oh yes, and since the show aired, I have received confirmation from a couple of people in the hospitality industry, that yes in fact, hotel managers [who, presumably, are not listeners to this show] are at a loss to explain the rising recurrence of feces on the linens.. Feel free to inform them of this show’s time and channel.
Filed under: [Pending] Tagged: anal sex, assasination, batman, christianity, christmas, clint eastwood, embedded cinema, gay agenda, history, humanity, ignorance, john wayne, keanu reeves, lucifer, occult issues, santa claus, satan, shit, social engineering, south park, spirit grid, x-box, zombies